I hope while you were looking through this site you learned some facts on what many people call daddy long legs. On this website you have seen the top three insects that people often call daddy long legs. You have also seen that two of those three can not bite or even produce venom.
While the third, the cellar spider, does produce venom and has the fangs to deliver it in a bite its not harmful to people. I have shown that there have been no reports of injuries from a bite. I have also provided a video on this myth being busted on the TV series Myth Busters. Adam Savage also allowed himself to be bitten after time annoying a tube full of them.
So when it comes to the myth its an all out falsehood in the statement of not being able to bite as well as its venom being the most poisonous. So if you come across a daddy long legs you can remain calm in knowing nothing can happen to you. Also remember they can help keep other insects and spiders out of your home.