I found this project a little harder on some points, but I enjoyed creating the website for its display much more than uploading a paper. The portions I found difficult on this project about myths was the fact that couldn't find a factual start to it. The closest I could come to a start was a reference to a National Geographic documentary but it was somewhere to start. The other things I found difficult (more annoying) was the limiting factor of the Wix editor. It was limiting in the fact I was not able to do any HTML editing outside of their editor and settings links. Another thing I found difficult was not being able to edit the image size in the discussion boards. All in all, I enjoyed creating a site more than writing a paper, it allowed me to make the assignment more interactive and made it possible to have visitors add to the topics.
Now the reason for the daddy long leg myth. hmmm. I think I mainly went with the daddy long legs legend because it is one I have heard and fell for in the past. I also was not a big fan of spiders since I was young, only getting over my fear with frequent exposure to a spider I purchased for this reason. I also find researching and learning about the natural world more rewarding than other legends you typically hear about. I wanted the focus of the information to be for the general population that are either scared of the daddy long legs due to this myth, just scared of them, or just to bring some knowledge to them before they hear this myth.